Friday, September 24, 2010

Job hunting in Austin

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've really been meaning to, its just that lately most of my time online has been spent trying to find a job.

I am currently employed but I fear my job is in danger. I work for a retail chain where employees work on commission.

My location just had their store hours cut and because of all the construction around the store, the traffic is much lower than it needs to be.

I am terribly fearful about losing my job and expressed this fear to my parents.

My father said: "That sucks. Need me to send you some money?"
My mother said: "Apply to Lowes, Home Depot, and Wal-Mart."
My best friend said: "Find a job in a theater."

Now, as for my father (whom I am extremely close to), he said exactly what I wanted to hear. Not just the "money" bit, but the fact that he just acknowledges that it sucks.

My mother, the constant problem-solver (which probably is where I get that from, except I can't solve my own problems), gave suggestions. That's all and well, but I've applied to all 3 and heard nothing.

Then there is my best friend...Theater, why didn't I think of that? I got my degree in theater, I've been doing it for about 15 years now, it's what I'm passionate about...however, there are a few problems:

  1. I'm not into the "starving artist" bit. I'd need a job that at least pays so I can have money for rent.
  2. I'm still relatively new to Austin and I don't know the Theater/Film scene very well (it's not what you know it's who you know)
  3. Today you have to have tons of experience to get a job, and although I have 15 years, it's all as a volunteer and as a student. 

Just saying, its hard to find a job now-a-days.

I am up to any suggestions though, please feel free to bombard me with ideas, I'll take anything right now (as long as it's not commission based sales, I don't want to be persecuted should the store have a bad month)


Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday in Austin!

Its Friday night and here are some Downtown specials of note to think about:

Barcelona has $2 wells and $3 Jager bombs until 11 PM.

Blu has $2.50 domestics, $3 imports, $4 Texas Vodka, and $5 Texas Martinis from 5 PM to 8 PM.

Chuggin' Monkey has $2 domestics and wells until 10 PM.

Dizzy Rooster has $2 domestics and wells  until 10 PM.

Fuel has $0.50 wells and $1 beers until 11 p.m.; $3 Jager bombs all night.

Library has $2 you call it 9-11 p.m.; $2.50 Long Island's all night.

Maggie Mae's $2 domestics until 11 PM. 

Mooseknuckle has $2 wells and domestics until 11 PM. 

Pure has $1 any liquor until 11 PM, $2 beers, half-price bottle service. 

The Liberty has $1.50 PBR & Pearl, $2.00 Domestics, $3.00 Imports* (excludes Schneiderweiss, Guiness, Boddingtons & Strongbow), $1 OFF all Drafts, $2.50 Wells, $3.00 Jagermeister, Tito's & Firefly from 5-8 PM.

Hope this helps start off your weekend!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sex Offenders List

So the state wants to get rid of the Sex Offender List.


On one side, some of these people have done time for their crimes and just want to move on with there lives.

On the other hand, I'm sure that there are a few that are dangerous and it would be beneficial to know if they are your next door neighbors.

This project takes over $3 million from the Texas Budget.

But is $3 million worth knowing?

What do you think? Save $3 million and people privacies OR give people the right to know! 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Tropical Storm Hermine is causing problems for Austin.

A 19 year old girl was killed when her car became fully submerged in water.


I'm going to be 24 in less than a month but when I was 19 I was worried about boys, college classes, and whether or not I should get bangs.

My heart goes out to her friends and family, this must be a sad time for all who knew her. I can only imagine what they are going through. 

To many parts of Austin are flooded and Rescuers are having a hard time rescuing, I hope Austin pulls together on this one!

My mom was right, Hermine has hit Austin, just not in the way I thought.

So maybe that's where I get my psychic abilities from because I was right too: work was slow today.

I know I'm not a thrilling or groundbreaking writer, I'm just a girl who got a degree she hasn't used and a job that isn't secure, but I've submitted a couple of articles for some blogging jobs. I want to improve my skills so that one day I can work from home and have more free time to do what I came to Austin to do.

So cross your fingers and I hope to bring you more news for Austin in the future.

By the way: I wouldn't mind some helpful critique. Obviously I didn't submit articles like this little tidbit, but I didn't think anyone would really want to read my in depth articles right now.



Ok, this has nothing to do with Austin but...

For some random reason, just now, I decided to IMDB Jonathan Taylor Thomas to see what he's been up to. I had a huge crush on him when I was little (I grew up on Home Improvement) and low and behold, today is his 29th birthday.

So the point I'm making:

Austin makes me psychic.

So, here's a psychic prediction: work is going to be slow tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guide to Austin

Here is a list I am compiling for those who are planning to visit Austin, currently visiting Austin, planning to move to Austin, or have just moved to Austin.

These are some helpful tips so you don't sound like a tourist!

  • The signs says "Loop 1" but we call it "MoPac"
  • The signs says "Highway 290" or "71" but we call it "Ben White"
  • The signs says "Highway 183"  but we call it "Research Blvd" or just "Research"
  • The signs says "Highway 183" but as you get close to Airport Blvd we call it "Ed Bluestein" (thank you James!)
  • The signs says "Manchaca" but we call it "Manchac"
  • When people say "ACL" 95% of the time they aren't talking about the ligament.
  • If you're running late for anything, just grumble "MoPac..."and the people from Austin will totally understand.
  • When you hear people say "SoCo" they can mean one of 2 things:
    • Southern Comfort
    • South Congress Ave.
  • When people start talking about "Leslie" this is who they are talking about:

More to come.



This is why I don't like MoPac:

This happened this morning on Loop 1 near downtown.

...and this is why I take I-35 as much as possible.

Its raining today thanks to Hermine. Lets make some Tropical Storm Hermine shots and get drunk!
Oh wait, I can't...I have work in the morning. Have fun without me!
