Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Tropical Storm Hermine is causing problems for Austin.

A 19 year old girl was killed when her car became fully submerged in water.


I'm going to be 24 in less than a month but when I was 19 I was worried about boys, college classes, and whether or not I should get bangs.

My heart goes out to her friends and family, this must be a sad time for all who knew her. I can only imagine what they are going through. 

To many parts of Austin are flooded and Rescuers are having a hard time rescuing, I hope Austin pulls together on this one!

My mom was right, Hermine has hit Austin, just not in the way I thought.

So maybe that's where I get my psychic abilities from because I was right too: work was slow today.

I know I'm not a thrilling or groundbreaking writer, I'm just a girl who got a degree she hasn't used and a job that isn't secure, but I've submitted a couple of articles for some blogging jobs. I want to improve my skills so that one day I can work from home and have more free time to do what I came to Austin to do.

So cross your fingers and I hope to bring you more news for Austin in the future.

By the way: I wouldn't mind some helpful critique. Obviously I didn't submit articles like this little tidbit, but I didn't think anyone would really want to read my in depth articles right now.



  1. Yeah, it's sad when a storm takes a life. Especially one so young.

    On your blogging, just keep writing, often, and you'll develop your writing voice and work your writing muscle. Post comments on blogs you like to get links back to your blog. It takes patience.
    Good luck.

  2. Thank you for the advice, it is much appreciated!


  3. Sad. Very sad. Just found your blog today. Like the Austin angle you have going. If you ever feel like writing for our website:


  4. Thanks, I might be interested in that! I've done a little creative writing in the past (that no one saw or will ever see, it was really bad) but I'd love to try again, now that I'm 10 years older and wiser.

